Selasa, 18 Februari 2014

Download Grand Canyon Trail (1948) Stream HD Full


Sintown is just a deserted ghost town until Vanerpool starts looking for silver. Cookie and Roy's partners put $20,000 into the business only to find that the mine is worthless and Vanerpool is bankrupt. Carol comes out to look for silver to save the company, but does not know that their engineer, named Regan, is crooked and wants all the silver for himself. But only Old Ed knows where the mother lode is located.

Movie details Grand Canyon Trail

Release : 1948-11-05
Genre : Action, Adventure, Western
Runtime : 67 minutes
Company :


Roy RogersasRoy Rogers
Robert LivingstonasBill Regan
Jane FrazeeasCarol Martin aka Carol Vanderpool
Andy DevineasCookie Bullfincher

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